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Yikes!! I am so frustrated!

Posted by on December 12, 2016

When I awoke this morning, my goal was to blog, it is Monday, you know.  I had in my mind to start a series that I have been thinking about for quite some time.  Then, technology derailed me.  First, I couldn’t log in to my website.  Instant stress.  I thought maybe there was an issue with my deskto*, so I switched to my la*to*.

Hold the calls!  What is wrong with this thing?  Now my com*uter will not *rint a *!!!  Do you know how hard it is to convey a thought if your technology refuses to recognize and res*ond each time my finger hits the letter that falls between o and q in the al*habet?   Really.  That is what is ha**ening!  I am *utting in the star so that you know a * should be there!!

Anyway, besides not being able to ty*e a *, I couldn’t log in to my own website. I finally got onto my domain manager site, and got a notice that something had been hacked.  Now really, how in the world would anyone benefit from hacking a website that doesn’t generate any money or convey state secrets?  I am at a loss.  Thankfully, I think that *art is fixed now, yay Word*ress and yay JustHost!

Now, however, it is mid-morning.  I haven’t written a word on novel number three today, I haven’t started the cool series of blogs I had *lanned, and I am still fighting for the rights of the letter that falls between an O and a Q.  From the looks of it, I am going to have to go buy a new keyboard…  So, here’s the new goal:  it is 82 degrees with a slight breeze.  There’s a cruise shi* docked at the *ier.  The sun is shining and the sky is blue.  Snorkeling sounds good.  See ya!



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